API Documentation

API Documentation

Want to add our massive database of 131,776 Private Label Rights articles into your script or application? Our REST API is simple and easy for any developer to use.

end pointhttps://plrtrove.com/api.php
request typeGET or POST
output formatjson

API Commands

All queries to the API require at least two request variables, apikey and action. Your API key is accessible from the My Account page when you're logged into PLR Trove. The following table lists all available action commands and the additional request variables they require (if any).

All queries return a JSON encoded string containing at least two values: success (1 if successful, 0 if failed) and result (if success is 1) or error (if success is 0).

[action] valuedetails
quota Returns an array of data regarding your API quota:
  • quota_daily - Maximum number of articles that can be downloaded via the API each day.
  • quota_left - The number of articles left that can be downloaded via the API today.
  • throttle_speed - The number of seconds you must wait in between each API call.
Quota is not decreased for any action call except article (which returns the full requested article). However, the speed of the calls are throttled to prevent server overload.
categories Returns a dictionary object with the available article categories as the dictionary key and an array of all available subcategories within the category as the value (if any).
search Search for articles with a title matching the passed query. Request variables:
  • query - The keywords to search the articles for.
  • category - (OPTIONAL) The category results should be limited to (default is all categories).
  • subcategory - (OPTIONAL) The subcategory results should be limited to (default is all subcategories).
  • page - (OPTIONAL) The page of results to return (default is 1).
An array of up to 10 article entries will be returned, with the following fields:
  • id - The article id (used in the article action to download the full article).
  • title - The article title.
  • category - The article category.
  • subcategory - The article subcategory.
  • wordcount - The number of words in the article.
article Downloads the requested article. Request variables:
  • id - The article id of the requested article (returned in the search results).
The article is returned as an array with the following fields:
  • id - The article id.
  • title - The article title.
  • body - The article body.
  • category - The article category.
  • subcategory - The article subcategory.
  • wordcount - The number of words in the article.